Bylaws of the Charlottesville Camera Club

(Revised and Adopted Feb. 11, 2021)


The Charlottesville Camera Club is a non-profit organization that fosters photography as an art, a hobby, and a vocation through the sharing of knowledge and experience, mutual support and encouragement, and good companionship.


Any person aged 12 and above interested in participating in the activities of the club will be admitted to membership upon payment of dues.



Dues are set by the executive committee and voted on at the November member meeting. For partial-year new memberships, dues are prorated monthly.



The members of the executive committee will consist of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, immediate past president, and the committee chairs. All members of the executive committee will have equal voting rights.

The meetings of the executive committee will be held monthly, except for emergencies. A quorum will consist of five members. The committee may transact business by joint e-mail, video conference or conference calls as needed. The executive committee will provide leadership and operational support to the activities of the club. It will have the final authority to construe these bylaws, including the rules of competition. It will establish the competition classification of all members and approve the annual program calendar. Executive committee meetings are open to all club members. (Members should notify the president before attending a meeting.)

All persons in positions of responsibility for the functioning of the club are expected to provide substitutes when necessary.


Section 1   PRESIDENT (Elected)

  • Presides at all meetings of the club and executive committee
  • Makes all committee appointments, subject to the approval of the executive committee
  • Appoints officers as required to fill vacancies until the next regular election
  • Assigns responsibilities to executive committee members as needed
  • Coordinates December meeting and end-of-year awards ceremony
  • Orders certificates for end-of-year award winners

Section 2   VICE-PRESIDENT (Elected)

  • Performs all the duties of the President in his or her absence
  • Conducts special projects as requested by the President or Executive Committee

Section 3   SECRETARY (Elected)

  • Takes and distributes minutes of club meetings and executive committee meetings
  • Maintains other club records

Section 4  TREASURER (Elected)

  • Prepares and maintains the official membership list of the club
  • Notifies members when dues are payable
  • Receives dues payment from Membership Chair and deposits dues
  • Pays all bills
  • Keeps an account of all receipts and disbursements
  • Reports club finances to the members at each monthly meeting and submits an annual financial report
  • Submits for membership approval any non-budgeted expenditure greater than $500.00 where the payment is either a single amount or the sum of partial payments totals more than $500.00. Any such non-budgeted expenditure must be approved by the Executive Committee before presentation to the Membership.
  • Prepares an annual budget each October and reviews the proposed budget with the Audit Committee and the Executive Committee before presenting it to the Membership for ratification.


  • Advises the president and the executive committee
  • Takes over as president if the president is unable to continue in office

Section 6  MEMBERSHIP CHAIR (Appointed)

  • Greets visitors and has them sign the guest book
  • Gives prospective new members the club overview and an application and questionnaire
  • Provides new members with a welcome letter and directions for finding key club information (such as rules of competition) on the club’s website
  • Reviews personal information provided by all new members and recommends placement in competitive class A or B
  • Provides an orientation session for new members
  • Receives dues from membership (new and renewal) and keeps a record of dues paid, and forwards payments to the Treasurer
  • Coordinates with the Treasurer to keep an up-to-date membership list and notifies the Executive Committee of new members
  • Maintains the Google Group e-mail list and the directory on the club website


  • Collects information about meetings and workshops for posting to the web
  • Assists with Club communications and outreach
  • Sends out information to media and community at large

Section 8  DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGER (Appointed)

  • Maintains CCC website and creates additional features as needed
  • Coordinates digital media for virtual meetings and presentations

Section 9  EDUCATION CHAIR (Appointed)

  • Coordinates all workshops and field trips
  • Manages competitions (see "Competition Logistics" below)

Section 10  EXHIBITION CHAIR (Appointed)

  • Coordinates all public exhibitions
  • Coordinates jurying of exhibition entries

Section 11  JUDGES AND SPEAKERS (Appointed)

  • Recruits all speakers and judges (guests), surveys the members’ opinions of all guests, and keeps a list of approved guests for future meetings
  • Provides guests with information necessary to the performance of their duties, makes arrangements for their meals and lodging, provides equipment needed by guests, introduces guests to the club members, and follows up with "thank-you" notes



 Section 1  COMPETITION TOPICS (Appointed)

  • Consists of a chair and minimum of three members
  • Solicits membership for ideas for monthly assigned topics for upcoming calendar year
  • Compiles final list of assigned topics, writes topic descriptions and submits to Executive Committee for approval

 Section 2 PHOTOGRAPHY (Appointed)

  • Takes photographs for meetings, member directory, workshops, field trips, exhibits, parties, etc.
  • Forwards photographs to Digital Media Manager, the media, and other outlets as needed

 Section 3  COMPETITION LOGISTICS (Appointed)

  • As the next monthly meeting approaches, regularly reviews the photos being posted to the competition software for appropriateness to the competition categories. If a problem arises, e-mails the photographer and tries to clarify and resolve any issues. If a potential issue remains, consults with the other members of the ad hoc screening committee, agrees on the best action to take and informs the photographer
  • Registers photographers with the competition software so they can upload images; provides information needed for preparing and uploading images; handles any problems that may arise
  • Create and administers the “Members' Choice” poll
  • The day after the deadline and before the competition, sends entries to the judge for his/her review
  • On the night of the meeting, operates the presentation equipment and accompanying software and records the scores
  • After the monthly meeting, sends the results of the competition to the committee members keeping tally of the scores throughout the year and posting the results on the CCC website. Notifies Digital Media Manager of ‘top ten’ annual points each month
  • Deletes the past set of competitions from the competition software and creates the upcoming competitions in a timely fashion
  • Identifies Photographer of the Year winners and distributes record of yearly points

Section 4  NOMINATIONS (Appointed)

  • Ad hoc committee appointed annually by the President
  • Develops a slate of candidates for Executive Committee members
  • Presents slate of candidates to sitting Executive Committee for approval

Section 5  AUDIT (Appointed)

  • Ad hoc committee, appointed annually by the President, comprised of one executive committee member other than the treasurer and one member from the general membership. At least one member should have experience with auditing.
  • At least once per year, audits the accounts and records of the CCC Treasurer, provides a written report to the Executive Committee, and announces the results to the general membership
  • Ensures that CCC funds and assets (computer, projectors, and any other assets of value) are properly controlled and safeguarded against loss
  • Ensures that bank signature records are up-to-date
  • Each November, reviews the annual budget prepared by the Treasurer for the coming year and provides recommendations to the Executive Committee to accept or reject. Upon acceptance by the Executive Committee, the annual budget will be presented to the Membership for ratification.
  • Reports directly to the Executive Committee and the general Membership any illegal, unethical, or incompetent financial issues of consequence



Each September, the President will appoint a Nominating Committee that develops a slate of candidates for the Executive Committee positions. These candidates will then be presented to the Executive Committee for approval at the October meeting and sent to the general Membership via e-mail by November 1. Election of Executive Committee members will take place at the November general meeting. Following the report of the Nominating Committee, additional nominations will be invited from the floor. If more than one candidate has been nominated and seconded, the candidate who receives a plurality of votes is elected. If the sitting President so decides, a written ballot may be used in lieu of the voice vote. Newly elected Executive Committee members will assume office on January 1.



 Section 1.

Regular meetings of the club will be held in accordance with Article VI of the club’s constitution. The meeting each month will usually feature a club competition and, when appropriate, a presentation or a workshop. All regular meetings will consist of the agenda items and an invitation to introduce new business from the floor. The business meetings will be no longer than 30 minutes.

 Section 2.

An end-of-year party will be held on the last meeting of the calendar year, during which new officers will be introduced and year-end awards announced.



Recommendations for revision may be introduced at any time. Members who are not on the Executive Committee may submit a written petition for changes signed by at least five members. Such a revision proposal will be distributed at the next regular meeting or by e-mail at least ten days prior to such meeting to allow advance study and individual discussion. Such revisions will be voted upon at the regular meeting following distribution. Acceptance will be by a two-thirds majority vote of those present.



A complete copy of the bylaws, constitution, and rules of competition will be distributed to each club member following adoption of any approved revisions and to each new member upon payment of dues. A copy of the bylaws will also be maintained on the club website.