Current Call for Images
This is the process used for submitting images to be juried into an exhibition. Details for a specific exhibition will be distributed to members when a call for images is released.
What: Call for Images: - TBD
When: Deadline for your juried photo choices emailed to TBD
New photos deadline via PhotoContest Pro is midnight - TBD
Judging: Completed Judging by date
Show: Opening will be
Details: Total images selected will be
Select and upload images via PollUnit. A Link will be peovided.
How to Submit Photo - Two Easy Steps - Resize and Submit via PollUnit - a link will be provided
Resize - Resize your favorite photos for judging to the usual 2000 pixels on the long side before sending.
- For instructions on how to resize, check out our CCC website at Resizing Images
Note: To ensure anonymity during the judging process, your photos will not include your name.
Note: To participate in exhibitions, you must be a paid member of the Charlottesville Camera Club.
Provide ALL the information required by Poll Unit, for example:
Email address, Width in inches, Height in inches, (finished frame dimensions), Selling Price or “NSF”, Phone Number, Title, Photographer name.
For questions refer to the Call for Images announcment details.