Uploading photos to PhotoContestPro
PLEASE NOTE: To upload photos for our competitions, you must be a paid-up member of the Charlottesville Camera Club and also be registered with the Photo Contest Pro (PCP) website. (PCP is the software we use for the competitions.) Your camera club ID and password will not work on the PCP website! Please contact Gerry Bishop, our competition coordinator, and he will register you so you can log in. Club members can find Gerry's e-mail address in the club's member directory.
Also, your image should be sized to 2000 pixels on the longest side and saved as a JPEG in the sRGB color space. Image "quality" should be set at about 75% (rather than 100%) to save on file size. Resolution should be set at 72 px. See the full instructions on downsizing photos if you don't know how.
One more thing: If you plan on adding a border around your photo, it’s best to do so before you downsize your photo. (See the instructions for adding a border if you don’t know how.)
OK, are you registered and ready to upload? Here’s how to do it:
1. Go to photocontestpro.com on the Web.
2. Click on “Log in" in the upper right of the page.
3. Enter your e-mail address and PCP password. (You will have to create a password before logging in the first time.)
4. Select the Charlottesville Camera Club as your organization, and then click on the "Login" button.
5. After logging in, click on the “Submit Pictures” tab at the top of the page.
6. When the next page appears, click on "Proceed to Submit Pictures Method 2." (Method 1 does not work for Mac users, and Windows users must download and install a program called PcpSubmitPictures. Better just to use Method 2!)
7. After clicking on Method 2, a new page will appear with a list of the contests, or competitions. Chose the contest you want to enter by clicking on "Select" (in blue) for that contest.
8. Another page will appear that lists the contest information and a "Picture to Upload" box.
9. Inside the Picture to Upload box, enter a title for your photo. Your name should already be filled in, but if it isn't, go ahead and do so.
10. Now click on "Browse." If you are using a PC, Windows File Explorer will now appear. If you are using a Mac, Finder will appear. Now navigate to where your photo is on your computer.
11. Select the photo you want to upload and click on Open. The photo file name will now appear next to the "Browse" button. (Check to be sure this is the correct photo!)
12. Now click on the "Upload Picture" button right below the file name of the photo. If you are successful, the photo title, your name, and the photo size will appear at the top of the table at the bottom of the page.
13. To be sure you've uploaded the correct photo, click on the blue "Show," and a thumbnail of the photo will appear. If it is the wrong one, or if you choose to remove the photo and enter an alternative, click on "Delete." (Please be sure you delete your photo and not someone else's!)
14. Now you're ready to either select another contest to upload an image (back to step 7), or to log out.